Holy Pentecost

Pentecost Icon2

This Feast commemorates the Gift of the Holy Spirit to the Holy Apostles in a full manner that empowered them to carry the Good News of Christ to a dark world. They established the Church in many places.

With the Gift of the Holy Spirit, God the Holy Trinity is more fully known. The Sacraments of the Church manifest the Holy Spirit to us, cleansing, comforting, abiding, empowering, guiding, giving gifts for ministry and mission, bringing us life and light. Green is color of Pentecost as the Holy Spirit is life-giving.

This icon of Holy Pentecost is in the ceiling above the solea in the temple of St. Luke Church. This Pentecost marks the 8th anniversary of our new temple, which we entered on Pentecost Sunday 2010. We give thanks to God for His many mercies and blessings!

Visit our Antiochian website for more information about this Great Feast and the Meaning of the Penectost Icon.

